Fintech and Lending

Don't lose any leads in the funnel. Constantly engage with your prospects to convert them to customers and reduce CAC by up to 66%

Trusted By:
Pagarbook - banking, fintech and lending specific calling solutionsOKCredit - tele-calling solutions for fintech, lending and banking industry
Customer service / calling solutions for Fintech & Lending

Fintech & lending use cases we solve for

Futwork's trained agents are well equipped to handle various business processes for Fintechs, SMB SaaS products as well as traditional banking and finance processes.

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Lead Qualification

Don't let your team spend time on cold leads

Deploy Futwork's trained agents to help with your business goals.

Futwork is...

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Available in 10+ languages

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Fully managed

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40% more cost effective

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Eligibility Check

Check if the lead is eligible and warm up the lead for the sale so that your teams can takeover and close.

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Reminder Calls

Prevent leads from dropping off in the funnel, Futwork's agents can call and guide the prospects through the process.

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Document Collection Calls

Don't let your teams follow up for missing and incorrect documents, Futwork's Interactive Dialler helps to give guided reminders.

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Sales, Up-selling, Cross-selling

Beyond qualifying leads, Futwork's expert agents help in driving sales, connect post sales for up-selling and cross-selling opportunities.

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Customer Onboarding

Handhold the customer post sale and guide them through the product, how to use the dashboards, payment schedules and successfully increase customer satisfaction.

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Customer Support/ Reactivation

Ticket management and customer support within SLAs to make sure you have high CSAT scores always

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Relationship with VROOM (our Virtual Relationship Management Module)

Our proprietary Relationship Management Module helps to onboard new customers, stay in touch with them with an automated relationship management system

Begin a free pilot

Experience Futwork's solutions first-hand and learn how we can work together to drive efficiency and sucess in your business


Step one

Define the scope and success metrics


Step two

Share leads, content and data requirements


Step three

Approve the scripts and mock-calls


Step four

Go live in under 1 week's time

Keen to learn more?

request for a demo - futwork